Monday, August 13, 2007, 1:48 pm
If music be the food of love...

Do you know what just started? I just came here to party, but now we're rockin' on the dance floor acting naughty. Your hands around my waist, just let the music play. We're hand in hand, chest to chest and now we're face to face. - Rihanna, "Don't Stop the Music"
Another work week begins... erm, yay?
The weekend was big fun! Friday night, the club held a casting call for one of those national model search reality shows. Needless to say, it was a good night to be there! I met more women than I can possibly imagine listing here!
Usually the odds are pretty good, roughly 60% girls/40% guys, but Friday it was about 90/10.
Normally I resist a little when I'm being dragged onto the dance floor, but I gave in that night. It's fun when you have hot women rubbing on you from all sides! =^D
Not too bad for a guy who doesn't particularly enjoy dancing... of course, that's because I've never known how.
I suppose I should rewind a bit... before going to the club I attended my first dance lesson. That was fun as well, but I need to stop thinking and just relax and count. We learned how to Foxtrot and East Coast Swing. I'll be getting a lot out of this class. Once I learn how to listen to the music with my body and not just my mind... that might help.
I just need to find and hone my rhythm... I'll be tango-ing the night away before you know it!
Saturday was largely uneventful, although hanging out at the club was fun. Not quite on par with the previous night, but enjoyable none-the-less.
Sunday, I chose the warmest day of the year as the perfect opportunity to rip the interior of my car to run cables for my new XM radio. After a couple of hours and a couple liter bottles of Gatorade I managed to get everything put back together... and sparkly clean!
And the extra listening option doesn't hurt either! Let's see, I have AM/FM, cassette, six-disc CD changer, iPod and now XM at my disposal on road trips. Certainly there's no way I'll get bored, right?
Now, I'll just get through the work day at the J.O.B. so I can get to work on what's really important. ;^)

Good Girl Gone Bad