Friday, August 10, 2007, 12:29 pm
Want s'more?

So, today is the 80th anniversary of the s'more.
I remember camping with my family when I was a wee lad. After cooking hot dogs over the campfire, we'd make dessert by sticking a marshmallow on a stick, holding it over the flame until it was somewhere between brown and on fire. Sometimes we'd eat the burnt marshmallow right off of the stick, and others we'd have the graham crackers and chocolate bar ready for it.
Not often though. My sisters liked s'mores, I never really cared for them.
Of course, as we get older, our tastes change. No, I still don't like s'mores, but I've expanded that dislike to marshmallows. Maybe it wasn't an "expansion," because I don't recall ever liking marshmallows. The only way I would ever eat them is toasted.
I've also never liked meringue... and since both are made from whipped egg whites, I think we have a connection.
However, I can respect that others like marshmallows and s'mores... hence the post. I'm certain there are many out there who are happy those resourceful girl scouts in 1927 put this into their handbook.
Personally, I'm content with those delightfully tiny cookies that come around once a year! =^)
Moving on, I'm looking forward to the weekend. The downtown dance studio called last week, and tonight is the first class. I had all but given up on them, because I initially called them several months ago only to be wait listed.
In fact, I was moving towards a "backup" plan. Nothing too drastic. It just involved taking a month sabbatical and spending January in Buenos Aires.
After all, the best place to learn to tango would be in Argentina, no?
Hmmm... that sounds like fun, maybe I'll still move in that direction. Besides, I don't know what kinds of dancing I'll be taught over the next several weeks.
Besides, who'd miss me if I skipped town for a month?
After tonight's class, I'll need to scoot over to the club for my first night as their photographer. Tonight it is a coop effort with my day job, but if it goes well, I'll gladly take pictures for them on the weekends!
Besides, it is where all of the hot women hang out, and I don't even pay a cover anymore! =^)
Who knows what the rest of the weekend has to offer? Only time will tell.

Breaking Benjamin