Friday, July 27, 2007, 1:01 pm
No more pencils...

Another work week is sliding to an end. I, for one, could not be happier!
Of course, I still have plenty to do after I leave the office, but the rest of the weekend should be great!
Today, I've discovered Diet Canada Dry... which is really quite tasty. Usually I prefer the Splenda® sweetened beverages.
Not too much has been happening since last time, I opted to stay home last evening and do some house work, some cleaning, and I put a friend's MacBook back together.
I have an old white iBook G3, which I love, but it is very, very hard to work on. In Apple's continued efforts to keep end users out of their computers, they also make it quite difficult for the technical masters.
In contrast, I had to change out the hard drive in the MacBook. It took three days for the hard drive to be delivered, and less than one minute to have it installed and the MacBook powered up.
And, a nice bonus was to discover that OS X was already installed... I was prepared to go through another hour or so installing from the discs and running update. I was tickled to discover I didn't have to waste my time.
So, I was able to devote that time to more important things. Like house work, and cleaning.
I suppose I could have gone out, but last night I opted to stay in.
Have I mentioned that I discovered Diet Canada Dry? ;^)
Ok, clearly it is one of those days I have nothing to say... so we'll just see what the weekend has to offer.

Hunting High and Low