Thursday, July 26, 2007, 1:40 pm
Women, drugs, and a million dollars

Last night, I started out at the usual club. I ordered a drink, posted up at a table, and hung out.
It was a good night at the club, about four girls for every guy... but not such a good night to be there alone. I did have some successful openers, but it's hard to look like you're having a good time when you are sitting alone.
Groups of girls didn't hang out for long periods, because it was pretty slow... they were looking for more action.
There was someone I recognized from a history class last fall, a rather hot someone. After talking with her for a while, I decided I was lucky that I didn't have the nerve to approach her back in the class. She wasn't terribly fun. Odd, because she didn't seem to be enjoying her group of friends, and wasn't included in much of the conversation... plus she kept glancing my way, even tracking me when I'd change position.
But, she wasn't interested. C'est la vie.
So, I decided to hang out with a buddy of mine. We ended up at a new bar in town, where the ratios weren't quite as advantageous, but there were plenty of hot women there anyway. For the first time in many moons, his game was solid. We went to a different bar, immediately started talking to a couple of gorgeous women. I was amazed at how his game being on fed me... my game was solid as well!
I was actually amazed at how quickly "Bonnie" started touch escalating, and drink sharing.
After chatting with a couple of different tables of women, we went back to the new bar. He was scoring points with someone we both know, and he was playing it very well. She had never really warmed up to me, but last night we actually talked a LOT. Too much, but the only reason I say that is because he got lucky, and I didn't meet my "lucky."
However, I did have a good night, and each one is better. Hey, if baby steps is what it will take, then so be it.
At one point in the night, he confessed to me that the reason he was so confident is because he was on something. Now, I'm not going to judge someone based on what they do for recreation... never would, but I firmly believe that my road involves learning how to break my state of mind when I go out without any chemical influence, alcohol or otherwise.
And even after his successes last night, I'll stand by that... but I'll keep observing the way he is when he's influenced. After all, I have a better chance of learning what he's doing than he does, because his memory will undoubtedly be impaired.
I will learn how to break state. Then, the world is my oyster and I will feel like a million dollars!

Type O Negative
Bloody Kisses