Monday, July 23, 2007, 1:54 pm

Ok, so I ended up spending this weekend in seclusion. I needed to regroup after Friday night.
There are moments when I really hate my problem with "analysis paralysis." Is it possible to learn to step out of one's mind? To just go with it? To not overanalyze the situation? To not over think what to do or say?
Is this a character flaw I can overcome?
I'm determined to, but I don't know where to begin.
Friday night, I attended the fiesta with my neighbor. He bought the beer, and I provided some conversation. Anyway, I thought I had made some progress towards becoming more social. Towards meeting people, chatting with people, meeting women.
That night, I was schooled... and discovered that my neighbor is a natural pick-up artist. For the first time, I think I truly understand what happened last spring!
My middle-aged, unattractive (by his own admission) neighbor met, opened, and made out with a 22-year-old in less than five minutes.
Within another five, he was having no difficulty rounding the bases... and she was loving it!
And all I could do was stare.
She was with a group of girls, all determined not to let her stay... and he smoothed it over. During the trouble stirred up by the sisterhood, she and I chatted a little. She told me she'd never done anything like this before, and really had no idea what hit her.
I didn't doubt it. I've studied pick-up enough to know that's how it works.
But, I'm no natural.
I make up for it with my charisma... but it doesn't come easy.
Anyway, after pulling a late night including a joyride, a lost debit card, and pool tables at the sports bar, I just went home... and to sleep.
Saturday, I decided to stay in. Just didn't even feel like sorting out a new plan. I think what I've been working on is still going in the right direction, I just need more practice so these things just "come out."
Nope, I ended up spending Saturday reading the new Harry Potter book. I did slip out to the fiesta a couple of times for food/drink runs, but spent most of the day reading the book. Finished it early Sunday morning.
It wasn't bad, although I thought the final epilogue was a bit cheesy... probably left to leave the door open for a spin-off series.
I did like the way Ginny Weasley "gave it up" to Harry as a birthday present, 'cos she couldn't figure out what to give him, even if her brother Ron (date rapist, hypocrite, general idiot, etc.) interrupts before they really get going.
But, I'm not going to leave (anymore) spoilers, there are plenty other places on the internets to find those. If you're interested, a fabulous spoiler-filled color-commentary lives here.
