Monday, July 16, 2007, 1:59 pm
The knee jerk...

My senior year of high school, I was determined to outrun one of my classmates in gym class. I should have conceded, because he was faster. Instead, I blew a knee.
Ok, maybe I didn't blow it, but I do remember hearing a loud snap that slowed me down. The adrenaline rush I was feeling from almost overtaking him enabled me to finish, and I did manage to keep up with him, but when the race was over, it couldn't hold my weight anymore.
In fact, it couldn't hold my weight for a couple of months without a brace. I probably should have seen a doctor, had it examined, undergone therapy, and had it "fixed right."
I didn't, and ever since I've had bad knees. My right knee became weaker during that time, and now they each have their own slightly different barometric qualities. One let's me know when it's going to be cold, the other when it's going to precipitate.
Since the before time, I've been working hard to get into shape. That's been fabulous, because my knees don't hurt anymore, and neither does my bad shoulder. I imagine it is the weight loss that helps the knees the most.
However, they are still pretty susceptible to "tweaks." Right now, I'm having to walk gingerly, because over the weekend I managed to tweak them both. All it seems to take is a bad turn, or stepping over something and not planting my foot correctly.
Whatever, it should make the workout interesting tonight. I'll have to be careful.
Yesterday, I was reading about a diet in a muscle building magazine that might be worth going on for a spell. I've still been maintaining my weight, which seems amazing at times, because I'm eating so much these days. However, I still haven't seen as much progress as I'd like around my middle.
I've never been this close. I want the six pack.
We'll see what happens. This week I'm monitoring just how much carbohydrate vs. protein vs. fat I eat in a regular week... especially during lunch, when I'm most likely to splurge.

Fleetwood Mac