Tuesday, July 3, 2007, 1:10 pm

Fried, green... wha?

So, I've been looking at a blank page off and on (admittedly, mostly off) for the past few days... wondering what to blog about.

I've seen many blogs. Several have a political theme, others talk about work-life. A lot of blogs are technical-related/geek heaven. Some are about dating dos-and-don'ts. The one I've looked at most recently is an interesting mixture of cooking, tech and gaming.

One of my goals is to not complain. So many blogs out there just seem to complain about things that are totally out of the complainant's control... you've seen it: gas prices, the war in the Middle East, work sucks, life's so boring, I'm depressed, etc. etc.

Oddly, even though there is always something to contribute (it's all in the presentation... anything can be interesting), lately I've had a few days where my mind has been totally blank. I haven't succumbed to the prolonged deep space stares for quite some time now.

I know my motivation level is down... and I'm trying to figure out what to do to correct that, but I haven't been terribly motivated to do so. I think the weather has something to do with it... the muggy heat seems to trigger my narcoleptic tendencies. I don't even make excuses for any of it... it's like I just don't care.

Perhaps, in some ways, I don't.

The secret will be to get back to my regimen of eating right and working out... neither of which I've actually been achieving.

So, what can someone do to boost their motivation? What can I do to actually get my mind to function again?

What i'm listening to:
Aquarium Calling You