Tuesday, May 29, 2007, 1:56 pm
So close!

Another holiday weekend is in the history books.
Even though last weekend consisted of a couple of parties and next weekend will also consist of a couple of parties, my holiday weekend didn't consist of any.
Which is fine. I enjoyed my run volunteering at the civic theater moving sets and staging backstage. When I wasn't at the theater, I was working on the house. I even recruited a buddy for some assistance, with help I should have it ready by the weekend!
Also, of note, I had some successful interactions with a couple of lovely females on Monday. I had a "Hooters" girl eating out of my hand... or at least off of my plate. I learned that she is a business major who's taking summer courses like myself. It was a fun and flirty time.
So, why didn't I get a number? I'm really not sure. Some moments I think I'm ready, but others, that thought just doesn't surface. Everything else is there now, so it is definitely time to work on that part of my game.
Then, last night, I met this amazing blonde at a local sports bar. I'm still becoming accustomed to having girls actually be "into" me... but this interaction went amazingly well. There were pats on the ass, she stroked my chest a couple of times and kept pointing at the 1up mushroom on my shirt, and she even took a hairbrush out of her purse and brushed my hair.
Who knows where it would have gone? It was also the first time I had been cock-blocked, by her brother and the friend I was with. Her brother, ok, I get that... my friend, well, he wanted her for himself.
So, she got frustrated and left the group and sat with a table of tools. I wrestled with wanting to lead her away and staying with my friend, her brother and the rest of the group I was with. I stayed, even though I should have went with her.
But instead, we just exchanged looks across the bar. It wasn't a situation I was prepared for, so I probably could have handled it better and at least snagged her number... but I fell in with my friends.
So, are there rules about things like this? My friend said he thought he had a shot with her, but he'd have to clear it with her brother because they are friends. I *know* I had (have?) a shot with her, and I just met the guy last night, so am I bound by these rules as "friend of a friend?"
Am I overthinking things as usual? More than ever, I realize there will be other girls, but I can't just let every single girl who's into me go because of circumstances.
Anyway, her brother really didn't like it when she started getting close to one of the tools she was talking to, so he pulled the "have to get up early" card, and they left.
My friend and I went to another club, where he ran into a group of girls he knows. I haven't figured out why he likes this sports bar so much, because there aren't any good looking girls there, and he always manages to spend his entire evening talking with one who keeps reminding him that the "window of opportunity is closed."
I'm *so* beyond that, and was really rather bored during the three hours spent there.
Better nights are ahead though. It should be an exciting journey! =^)
The "man" has finally arrived!

Def Leppard