Monday, November 21, 2005, 6:25 pm

So, this is a blog...

Ok, so this is me writing a blog. I expect it will be a bit weak at first, but i'm sure it will improve with time. Let us see how it goes...

So, why a blog?

Well, i had something "blog-like" a long, long time ago. I believe it was an era known as the '90s... it didn't get updated daily, or even weekly, but i did enjoy using it to vent, and i found that typing out my thoughts helped me sort them out, and even helped me accept things that bother me, but things i cannot change.

Maybe this great experiment will be great, maybe it will be a colossal failure... but i suspect it will help at the time. I seem to have a lot of thoughts, and a lot of stories, but i also know i am a very different person than he who wrote those thoughts in the "before" time.

Perhaps, someday i will make those available here. We'll see.

So, why a blog now?

My website went on hiatus in 1999. In the time that has passed since, a lot has happened. A lot has built up. Most of it is pretty irrelevant, and will only appear here as memories.

However, recently i have gone through several significant changes. I've started school again. I've started dating again. I'm still working full time, so i think i'll enjoy this outlet.

And maybe, it will help with my English class... or maybe it will do more harm than good. Nothing like the "informality" of email and weblogging to corrupt all those years of training! =^)

So, stick around... i'll try to make it interesting.
Posted by   www
on Friday, April 7, 2006, 8:18 am
Great reading, keep up the great posts.
Peace, JiggaDigga

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