Monday, April 30, 2007, 2:58 pm
Unnecessary improvements...

I'm apparently one of the few people who are satisfied with the earbuds that come with the iPod.
At least, I was. My earbuds that came with my 3G iPod have decent bass response, and in spite of the many hours I've listened to my iPod... still sound as good as they did on day one. No distortion, and they're not blown out.
Over the weekend, I inadvertently acquired a pair of the new iPod earbuds. I like the redesign, they are comfortable without pads, and they are sleeker looking... but the sound quality I've come to expect is no longer there.
The bass just doesn't come through. Hardly at all!
So, I guess I'll just hope these old earbuds that came with my iPod and my nano just last a while longer... or even forever.
Or at least until I get a nice pair of noise-cancelling earbuds. I would love to have a pair of these new earbuds with the old technology inside them... that would be sweet!

Ace of Base
The Sign