Sunday, April 22, 2007, 1:32 pm
Wagons west!

Greetings from Oregon!
Let's just say a lot has happened in the last few days... and the chain of events led to me taking some time off work and accompanying the family to move my little sister to Portland.
So far, it's been fun. It's nice to be on a trip where I'm not doing all of the driving or paying all of the expenses! =^)
Plus, I can credit my job with my incessant need to take time off. I figured that the long road trip out, the three days there, and the flight back, will give me plenty of time to plot out the next few steps of my plan. I'm almost distraction free, and I'm not thinking about work, so it's a good idea!
Some might argue that it's not a true vacation, because I have my cell phone, my iPod, and my iBook... but it is. The cell phone provided me with impromptu internet access so we could eat the awesome pizza that Zio's in Omaha has to offer, by providing us with the address and maps on how to find it.
The iPod is essential when I'm riding in the car, because I don't always have interest in what's on the radio.
The iBook was a necessity, because I brought along my homework... to take advantage of the work-free down time away from the house. That, and I intended to do some journaling.
And the iBook gives me something to do on the airplane and during the layover in Denver.
As of today, Washington state is the only western continental state I've not visited, and commemorates my first trip through Idaho and into Oregon. So far, I have to say that there are some beautiful women in Idaho, and the scenery is gorgeous in Oregon. Soon, I'm sure I'll see some lovely young ladies in Oregon too! =^)
At a rest stop, we met a German couple with an adorable Pomeranian. They were so cute and clearly very happy on their vacation... and they were impressed by my sister's three-pound dog and her thirty-pound mountain lion cat.
He had some amusing things to say that I must note so I never forget them.
I've been observing people on this trip... it's part of one of my projects, working on my inner game by observing what others do that works, and doesn't work.
I think it is time for me to get out and apply what I've learned... and maybe a few nights in Portland will provide me with the perfect opportunity!
So, we'll see what happens!
Finally, I've decided to start a new section of the blog... a "fact or fiction" area. I guess the reader can make the ultimate decision if what is written really happened, and if they decide it did, maybe they can figure out who I'm writing about. Who knows?
It'll give me opportunities to get my creative juices flowing and work on my writing, which I know leaves quite a bit to be desired. It should get easier as time goes on... so that's something to look forward to!

The Beatles
Abbey Road