Tuesday, April 17, 2007, 2:03 pm
Ready to be healthy again...

I should not have come in to work today. I'm still feeling lousy, and this cold has got my mind so muddled up that I can barely concentrate enough to hold my head up.
After last night, this is definitely the worst cold of my career. I've never been so desperate to breathe, or to relieve the pressure, or to do ANYTHING to keep it from draining into my lungs.
Head colds are bad enough, chest colds wreak havoc with everything... and add a good week to recovery.
Hopefully someone someday will come up with a pill that keeps all cold virii away.
Silver lining: tomorrow I get my new furniture... i hope. I haven't heard from my li'l sister since she called last weekend to tell me that her boyfriend got rid of his truck.
No one I know around here has a vehicle big enough to transport all of it at one time, so she considered using her moving van before she loads it up for the move to the west coast, so I guess we'll see what happens.
And, I appear to be climbing out of this illness, but as bad as it was, it'll be a while before I can hit the gym again. I'm afraid I miss the gym more than anything else right now... =^(
I'll live, I suppose. I'd better, I've still got a big year ahead of me! =^)
And, still not a single comment. No surprise there... either they don't work (but they've been tested!), or I'm just a terrible blogger.
I have to vote for the latter. ;^)

Let It Die