Saturday, April 14, 2007, 3:37 pm
Here we go again...

Right now I'm between 24-48 hours into yet another common cold.
Funny, I thought people who are healthy and "in shape" are supposed to be less likely to catch a cold! I went through a spell of about five years where I didn't catch a single one. I was also fifty pounds heavier and would run only when chased.
Now, I'm even catching more colds than I did when I was dating someone who worked at the airport! What gives?
So, it was time to do some research. Sure, some websites say staying healty and in shape prevents colds. Others (probably the more knowledgeable ones), state that healty people still catch colds, but the symptoms are less severe (check) and they frequently run their course a lot faster (check).
I did find one site that might explain why I didn't catch colds while dating... something about hot sex and passionate kissing actually boosts phagocytes and they boost resistance to virii.
Perhaps there is a reason to get back into the dating game. I'm almost ready, but my inner game still isn't as honed as I'd like it. That and I'd like to concentrate on my school work, house work, and other projects for the time being.
Anyway, ah-choo!
There really is nothing I hate more than feeling this way. I hate not being able to breathe through my nose, the constant drip of fluids, the aches, the pain.
Here's to hoping this one runs away as fast as my last illness did!