Friday, March 30, 2007, 8:02 am
Dependent on independence...

Just what is it about being in control that is so... well, so hard to let go of?
Today is going to prove to be interesting. My car is in the shop, so I'm dependent on friends, acquaintances and public transportation to get around. Of course, today I have more things to do than the average day.
I have lunch plans with a business associate, a couple of packages due to arrive on my front porch (of course, it is raining today... really raining), a package to pick up at the post office and another to pick up at FedEx (my new digital camera!! Yay!!), and it's drop day at the university.
I may have to drop my sociology class. The technology fairies have been very unkind to the professor over the last few weeks, and I don't care to get caught in a failing situation because of it. I'll probably stick it out, but I'll probably change to pass/fail rather than a letter grade.
At least it is raining. Normally, I don't look forward to the rain, but my car has been running pretty lousy on the wet days, which is why I put it in the shop... and since the forecast was for rain this morning, it just made sense.
Even if today isn't the best day to be without it. Oh well, if they fix it (without breaking me!) it'll be well worth it! I am worried about spending too much of my down payment on a house... which is crucial to hold on to.
I suppose I should get used to asking others for help. I don't know if it's stupid pride, my suppressed anti-social (sociopathic?) tendencies, or the feeling of owing someone something, but I've always felt I need to do things myself.
After all, if we don't look out for number one, who will? Right?
Yes, I know... step outside myself and check the view from out there.
It really isn't so bad, but I do need to settle for something other than glimpses of it. And, I truly believe the rewards will outweigh the costs.
So, what am I afraid of?

Avril Lavigne
Best Damn Thing