Thursday, March 29, 2007, 1:20 pm
Now that the "easy" part is done...

For the past week or so, I've had the strangest craving for a Big Mac. I suppose it may have started when I got my Shamrock Shake fix a couple of weeks ago.
Now, I'm not a big fan of McDonald's food... and cannot really eat there more than once or twice a year. When I'm forced to, I usually get the little hamburger to tide me over until I can get something a bit better for me.
When I splurge, it's either the Big Mac or the Filet O'Fish. There was a time when it was both.
I wonder where these can possibly fit into my diet. So far, I've learned that once in a rare while isn't terrible... and my current waist line backs that up.
Today, I decided to take the next step. I look good, and the girls think I look good... but I can still look better. I have never in my life been as close to a "six-pack" as I am right now, which means there is no better time than now to pursue that.
So, I scheduled an appointment with a nutritionist I've known for a few years, and we'll see what kind of diet will work for me. I'm pretty excited about it, because (as previously mentioned) I've never even believed it would be possible for me to look healthy.
My trainer told me that, in order to get the six-pack, I'll have to watch what I eat. I can build muscle, and I can be healthy, but until I develop the nutrition component I'll probably never get rid of the fat roll in my belly.
Which is all that's left... at least all that one can easily see/find.
I wonder if my genetics can prevent the six-pack. I suppose that is a possibility, but I won't know until I take that step... so, here goes!
On a side note, since no one comments here (although I can see people are reading)... would anyone be willing to buy me the new(-ish) Cameron McGill CD? It's on my wish list. ;^)

Cameron McGill
Stories of the Knife and the Back