Thursday, March 22, 2007, 2:01 pm
How do I escape myself?

You've got to feel it in your blood, play the game like you've already won.
Some of my coworkers would make the argument that there is never a good time to listen to Winger. However, I think that song's lyrics offer some pretty good advice!
It provided some of the inspiration for my yearly goals. Also, it reminds me not to take the situation so seriously and just play the game.
Another reminder that I have to step out of myself and stop thinking a situation into inactivity.
As this year is moving along (rather swiftly!), I'm finding this is the hardest demon to conquer. For the first couple of months, I had myself stretched rather thin with volunteer obligations and social functions... thin enough that March has been a "play catch-up" month for my school work.
Which means no socializing, and a lot of staying home. I guess my joking that I gave up picking up women for Lent isn't too far off!
I'm working on keeping a to-do list... at least weekly, with the goal of getting things crossed off of it. Right now, my "me" time is limited to an hour in the evenings (usually spent reading/watching television), and a few on the weekend. With family obligations across the state, a lot of the weekend time is spent in the bloody car!
Oh, if only my textbooks were available in audiobook format. Or I could speak my homework into my iBook and have the computer write out my assignments for me.
Last night, I decided to postpone my trip "home" until May. That means the old high school will be gone before I get up there... but I'm finding I just can't make the early April trip work. If I didn't lose two to three days in driving, it might be possible.
C'est la vie.
I also had a couple of dollar margaritas to help soften the blow of my decision. It was almost weird being back in a bar... because it has been a while. I'm not sure I'm ready for that scene yet. I need to learn to leave my problems and cares at the door... and just have fun.
Somedays I worry that I just don't know how to have fun, and I'm concerned that I've never been terribly friendly. So, how do I learn to reverse that?
Again, it's pretty simple... I just need to get over myself.
Simple... in theory, anyhow.

Mental as Anything
Fundamental as Anything