Tuesday, March 20, 2007, 2:24 pm
Meet me by the water...

For those who are unaware, I'm in love with Rachael Yamagata. Ok, maybe not her personally, because, after all, I don't really know her... but I do love her music!
My first discovery of Ms. Yamagata was in St. Louis three years ago. The ex and I drove over for the Liz Phair concert. Ms. Yamagata was the first opening act.
It's funny, because that night, I didn't really get into her music... however, I was enthralled by watching/listening to her guitar player Cameron McGill. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm usually the one watching the girls... especially one as stunning as Rachael.
Both of them stuck in my head... even after Liz Phair came out minutes later. It was a great concert!
Anyway, that June, Happenstance came out and I happened to stumble upon it the weekend it was released at Hastings. On a whim, I picked it up... because I did remember enjoying her music. It also gave me an opportunity to flirt with the cashier, because she had heard the album and loved it as well. She even told me about her favorite track on the disc, which I discovered on the drive home hadn't been played at the concert.
This album is still in my top ten albums of all time. I love it and can always listen to it straight through. There aren't many I can say that about... which may seem strange considering the huge audiophile I am.
When October rolled around, I found out that she was going to be playing at a club in Lawrence, Kansas... I immediately bought tickets! The notice was too short, so the ex couldn't make it, but I did take a good friend with me, and we enjoyed it.
And after the show, I met Ms. Yamagata. Let me just say that the pictures you find of her don't do her justice. She's very sweet, and I had my copy of Happenstance signed, as well as a couple of souvenirs I'd picked up for C. I even snapped a few photos. I also picked up Cameron McGill's album (exceptional in its own right), and had the opportunity to chat with him.
It has been nearly three years since Happenstance came out. I'm hoping for a new album, but there isn't any sign that one is coming. Checking her website, it appears she's still doing the small tour here and there... most recently opening for Ryan Adams, whose music I'm unfamiliar with.
Maybe someday soon, she'll tour the midwest again. Until then, I'll just keep checking the tour dates and hoping for that new album.

Rachael Yamagata