Monday, March 19, 2007, 2:52 pm
Taking a turn...

Today would have been a fabulous day to stay in bed. Well, at the very least in would have been a great day to play hooky.
Actually, work isn't going so bad, either... it's everything else. Today, I'm quite simply pissed off at myself.
My lack of attention to detail and my chronic procrastination has put me way behind in my sociology class. I find I'm no longer accustomed to instructors who enjoy grading materials. Since beginning my college career, the homework hasn't been graded. I learned long ago that doesn't give license to blow it off, because doing the homework helps prepare for the upcoming exams. However, this class is the first I've had since high school where home accounts for more than half of the grade. That, and there is a lot of it! Every question at the end of every chapter needs to be turned in for a grade.
Like I mentioned before, she must love grading homework!
My lack of attention in combination with my chronic procrastination also cost me more in bank fees today than I'll earn this year in interest. I opened a checking account because of the offer they made to tie it to my savings account for overdraft protection. I thought this was something automatic, and when opening the account, I didn't inquire about it.
Because I thought I had it, I didn't watch my account as closely as I should have. I intended to sign up for their online banking so I can keep an eye on things... which is a bonus in today's banking world... but I never got around to that.
So I didn't know that a check had taken almost a month to clear. Combine that with not writing down one ATM withdrawal and... well, the check got returned. My first one of those in over 15 years. Purely my fault for not verifying that I had the overdraft protection, for not following up and checking online, for not entering that one ATM withdrawal in the register.
I still think their fees are exorbitant... this error will cost me nearly $100 in banking fees. All because I didn't verify the overdraft protection when I opened the account. Let this be a lesson to anyone who reads this.
Of course, anyone who reads this probably isn't an idiot like myself!
That lack of attention to detail will probably directly deposit my federal tax refund in someone else's account too... wouldn't that be a peach?
This morning, I was fortunate enough to follow someone who doesn't know what the little lever on the side of the steering column is for.
I remember attending a poetry reading last year, where the poet commented on how the farther one travels east, the worse the drivers are. Having been raised west of here... I cannot disagree!
You just cannot trust a turn signal here unless you see it go on. If the light is flashing, beware! It was probably on when they bought the car!
Seriously... and what is it with the dirty looks people shoot you when they slow down to 5 m.p.h. a block ahead of the turn they aren't signaling for and you bear down on them. Granted, maybe I shouldn't bear down on slowing cars, but they should be signaling their intent as well!
Anyway, my rants are just from today. The weekend was mostly uneventful. I got my crawfish etouffeé fix, hung out with my dad, and managed not to make it to the mall to go clothes shopping... something I was mourning until today's discovery!
Oh, and I even attended my first hockey game of the season. I suppose it means I'm less of a hockey fan than I used to be... I spent the entire time checking out/talking to girls. Even met a couple of the team dancers.
But the highlight was what I observed at the gym on Friday evening. One of the gals in reception sent a bottled drink up to the gal in the fitness loft... wait for it... via the elevator! Seeing that absolutely made my day! =^)

Kelly Clarkson