Friday, February 23, 2007, 1:58 pm
Seizing time...

One thing i've noticed during my "down time" this week is...
Wait for it...
I've enjoyed myself!
What i've been missing since the start of the new year is quality "me" time. I'd be lying if i said i don't enjoy what i'm doing, but i think the lack of time to relax has been stressing me out.
Which is leading to forced downtime. I just don't get sick that often.
Seriously, if i can date a gal who works at an airport for three years and only get sick twice a year, i shouldn't get sick at all now!
So, Saturday i'm going to take back some time to relax. I'm planning on doing very little and not going anywhere. Ok, i'm at least not going to leave town... and i'm going to plan on spending as much time as possible at the house.
I have housework that needs to be done, and i hope to get to some of it, but i'm not going to allow it to be a priority over relaxing. Although, some aspects of house cleaning have a very relaxing quality.
The forecast indicates it will still be too early to open the windows. Fresh air never hurts!
It is definitely time to fold some "me" time back into the routine.

K's Choice
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: ...