Wednesday, February 21, 2007, 11:12 pm
Rantings of the un-well...

Tommy James once said that everybody's three times in love.
Hmm... i wonder.
I have a friend who recently met someone that he's quite taken with. By my count, it is his third... should they arrive at the point where they are in love.
Of course, i do not know his entire history... but i do wish him the best. Absolutely!
Sadly, i cannot help but feel a touch of envy. I know i shouldn't--and i know i'm better than that--but i do. However, i am still very happy for him, and hope she doesn't hurt him. He's been hurt enough for two or three of a normal person. He deserves to be happy.
Which makes me wonder... do i deserve to be happy? If everybody's three times in love, i'd like to say i'm ready for my third, but i'm not it was ever love the first time.
And T? Well, i could have loved her... but it was over very quickly for reasons only she knows. I have my suspicions, and given my track record, my instincts are rarely wrong.
But that leaves me with only one. So, does that mean i'm destined for one more heart break?
Can i deal with another?
And why is it that i can read people i know so well, but people i'm "getting to know" i seem to miss all of the signals.
I was running on the indoor track at the gym Monday night, and watching the action on the basketball court below. I glanced over and noticed someone waving at me... she happens to be a young lady with very nice legs who i've been talking to on occasion.
It gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling that she was waving at me from so far.. but my question is, should it?
I don't want to be naive, but i don't want to be dense either.
I guess we'll see.
So, today was my first sick day in a long, long time. I don't like to call in sick. I've always been one of those who believes that if i'm going to feel miserable... i may as well get paid for it.
However, i'm on salary... and i wouldn't have been able to work today anyway. What sucks is that i'm finishing the day with a different illness than i started it with.
And i hate the feeling that i've accomplished nothing today. Today is the first day i've spent more than twenty minutes at the house, save for sleeping, and i didn't do anything. I should have cleaned, or done homework, or something... but no, i watched an old Cary Grant movie followed by Groundhog Day.
If, and i do mean if, tomorrow i'm still under the weather, i must do something around the house. If not, i'm afraid i'll go batshit crazy!
Have i ever mentioned how wonderful Airtunes is? I love that i can keep my music collection on a 'file server' and listen to my entire library on iTunes with my iBook... without sacrificing precious hard drive space on my iBook.
This is truly as it should be! =^)

Belinda Carlisle
Heaven on Earth