Friday, February 16, 2007, 4:14 pm
Another work week in the can...

So, another busy week ends. This weekend, i'm looking forward to having time to spin around in my office chair, do some hula-hooping, and maybe even toss a beach ball in the air!
Actually, i'm glad i'll be able to do some things around the house i've neglected since starting my theatre life. I'm not sure i've been home for more than 20 minutes in weeks... except to sleep!
It is snowing again! Big fluffy flakes that are accumulating fast! I LOVE it!
Next week, we're supposed to have spring-like weather... that's ok too. As much as i love the snow, i'm ready for a warm up.
And spring fashions.
Tonight is another cast party. I do like that the theatre people party so much... it is a great way to network with other people! Everyone who performs and volunteers at the civic theatre has another life that he or she takes a break from for the arts... and it is very cool meeting such multi-faceted people!
The schedule has been trying though, but it is very cool being a part of a new family. Each new performance, the awkwardness reigns in the beginning... but as we work together, the shields eventually come down and friendships are formed. If nothing else, at least i'm developing rapport with people i'd never had the opportunities to meet before.
Even if i haven't worked out this week. Final week of rehearsal cuts into my schedule the hardest... that and the snowfall.
Odd how people don't like to stay open late when the snow is piling up. Of course, i still love being out in it... even driving around in it! And, if there are fewer people out there... better for me! =^)
Next month, i'm going to do something different. My social calendar has been SO full since the first of the year, i'm finding i cannot accommodate even "myself" nights, and that my homework is suffering as well. The latter is worse than the former... although both could have an effect, given enough time.
So, it's time to nip this in the bud now.

The Swing