Thursday, February 15, 2007, 8:13 am
They're sucking out my brain...

What is it about this building, this office, this chair?
Every morning, i bounce out of my door thinking today is going to be a great day. I leave the house feeling motivated. I have a clear mindset, and a daily roadmap plotted out. I have a list of goals i want to accomplish each day, up to and including things i want to write down and say and do.
Then, it seems, as soon as i sit down at my workstation... it becomes a race against time. It's as if my employer has installed a siphon that drains my original thoughts and replaces them with doublespeak.
... and apathy ... and frustration at my clouded and muddled mind. It makes me want to scream sometimes. Or, at the very least, let out a barbaric yawp.
I have a couple of letters i need to write. I know i should write down outlines, or at least notes, because the map in my head has become so unreliable... especially on work days... but it seems my schedule is full enough these days that pausing to write things down isn't a habit i've been able to create.
I should add that to my list.
One could argue that i shouldn't be writing letters at work (or blogging for that matter), but we do get two fifteens a day, and as long as we don't leave the building we can use them for anything we wish. It's one of the few benefits we have left.
Tonight, as a perk of crewing a show for the civic theatre, we get free full body massages. Massages are fabulous, because there is nothing else i know of that can both relax and envigorate simultaneously.... and all of the tensions and stresses of the day are magically erased.
So, it makes sense. Tonight, i will write the letter. I will be relaxed, i will sit down, put on a record, focus, and write it.
If only there were some way to capture that feeling i have immediately following a massage. If only...