Tuesday, February 13, 2007, 8:37 am

The beautiful morning...

Ah, yes! It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!

It snowed again last night. Big, fluffy snowflakes that accumulated quickly. The snow makes the city so beautiful, covering up all of the dirt and grime. It really is too bad it doesn't have some sort of cleansing effect.

Oh well, i'll enjoy the snow while it lasts! =^D

It seems like few things truly make me giddy these days, but the snowfall always manages to make me feel great!

Of course, then i realize i have to go to work...

While i've learned it is important to live in the moment and not concern myself with the past or the future... it helps to know there will be more wonderful snowy days like this.

What i'm listening to:
Please Love Comes Quickly
Pet Shop Boys