Monday, January 29, 2007, 10:45 am
Re-discovering playfulness...

Another weekend has come and gone. This was the first bumpy one of the year.
It started with the phone call. The ex called Friday as my work day was winding down. I guess she just called to say "hi" and see how things are going.
She had a couple of questions for me, neither of which are going to be mentioned here.
Neither of us said much beyond that. I did ask if she was happy, to which she answered, "I suppose."
Otherwise, Friday night was pretty uneventful. I had a good night on the sound board, followed by a rather short workout... since i arrived at the gym only a half-hour before closing time. I did get to talk to A, which was probably the highlight of the evening.
Afterwards, i stopped off at the club and chatted with K for a while... and had a couple of martinis. K offered some great advice and told me not to let the call get me down. If she had known me last September... she might have seen that this call didn't get me down compared to the last one.
I didn't realize that the call had affected me until i was talking to K and she mentioned it. I suppose that's one reason not to consume alcohol after talking to C.
It's hard to explain how i was feeling in the early weekend... i wasn't depressed, but i did experience a state of lowered confidence.
Saturday, however, i got it back. The performance at the theatre was incredible, everyone was on their best game... including the inexperienced sound guy!
After the performance, i decided to go home and work on resurrecting my ailing iPod instead of going out. I honestly need to stop going out so much... not to avoid talking to women, but to get some other things done! Finding the balance is not easy anymore, now that i'm a social butterfly!
Last night, i got in a good workout, another conversation with A, as well as a surprise conversation with someone from my drawing class last fall. In fact, i almost fell off of my exercise bike when i realized who she was!
And that she was complimenting me! I suppose i should get used to these compliments.
After my workout and studying, i decided to hit another club... which turned into a fun evening hanging out with (yet another) A. She was also complimenting me on my looks, my newfound confidence (i met her last May, so she met me when i was at my worst), and my playfulness.
When it was time to go, she pecked my cheek and told me to take care. A great ending to a rough weekend...

Hall & Oates
Rock 'n Soul, Part 1