Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 9:37 am
Found in the back seat...

I attended a party early Friday evening that was a fun networking event for a friend. It was a lot of fun, and gave me the opportunity to work on my socializing skills and meet new people... and eat!
The location was cool too, an old warehouse that is now a furniture store. This young lady i met there and i even tried out the old lift that still functions there!
And i discovered roasted red pepper hummus. Yummy!
Later that evening, i attended the cast/crew party for the theatre production i'm a part of. Again, good people, good food, and plenty of alcohol! After the previous party, i'm afraid i didn't partake in the latter... i was still plenty buzzed from all of the vodka!
Somehow i totally missed Saturday morning, and the start of the big snowstorm. Have i mentioned how much i love the snow? Anyway, my work belated-Christmas party was Saturday evening. No new people there, but it was a fun gathering and a surprisingly good potluck dinner! We enjoyed the Christmas episode of The Office and the dirty Santa gift exchange...
After the party, and undaunted by the piling snow outside, i met up with a friend and hit a bar for last call. This particular bar had a very sexy cocktail waitress with an interesting tattoo on her backside. One of the bartenders was a familiar face, as she used to serve me those outstanding sandwiches! The other was having a good night, having made sixty bucks selling her brassiere to a patron... understandable, since she was a very cute brunette!
I wouldn't pay a girl to get her bra, but i suppose there are some people who would. I personally enjoy the challenge of getting the bra through charm and charisma! =^)
Since she was staying with my friend's sister, we gave her a ride after the bar closed, during which she wanted to spend some of her new wealth... which led to watching a DVD late into the night.
Quite possibly, it was the stupidest movie i've ever seen. And scary, only because it could really happen.
Anyway, Sunday morning i'm cleaning out the car, and i discovered a red brassiere in my back seat. Apparently, at some point of the evening she got her bra back... only to forget it in my car.
Since i didn't obtain it in an acceptable way, i'll have to return it next time i see her...

Louise Goffin
Sometimes a Circle