Sunday, January 7, 2007, 10:45 pm
Insomnia strikes!

So far, i'm enjoying my holiday!
I've had plenty of time to figure a few more things out during my long stretches driving in my car... which is allowed because i can't really act (other than driving) while i'm on the road. Besides, my goal isn't to not think about what i should/shouldn't do... but to not let my analysis process cripple the action process.
I'd have liked to see more snow on my trip, but alas i'm currently in drought country. Weather permitting, i intend to take the "through Colorado" route on my return trip. Then i'll be able to play in the snow on my rest stops! =^)
One thing i've figured out is that my new quest for a new partner now has different rules. Really, i should have had these rules all along, because i know from experience that they work... but somewhere in my transition period over the last few months, i had forgotten.
It isn't about the players, it's about the experience. If i focus on the experience, the players will happen on their own... focusing on the players only allows me to lose sight of the mission, as well as discounting any perfectly eligible players from entering the game.
Remembering how to play the game moves me towards one of my goals.
Anyway, so far my vacation hasn't allowed for many "social" moments. Even though i'm eager to get out and interact socially, i'm incredibly anxious about doing this in my hometown. You could say that my reputation proceeds me.
And let's just say that my reputation isn't exactly of my creation. I suppose the words of popular enemies can really taint a person.
Don't get me wrong, i will get out at least once while i'm here... and i will approach women. I just haven't yet.
Besides, it has given me some fantastic quality family time... something i've neglected on my last several trips home.
Tomorrow (today?) i'm looking forward to visiting a nearby city and doing some shopping/eating/socializing. Then tomorrow evening i'll go out and play with a friend i've not seen in seven years... and who has always inspired me to be a more social animal.
My itinerary is filling up... which is fine! Apparently i'm plenty relaxed if i cannot seem to fall asleep this evening, right? =^)

Carrie Underwood
Some Hearts