Tuesday, January 2, 2007, 2:48 pm
The new beginning...

Oh joy! Hardee's has brought back the Big Twin! What a fabulous lunch that made. =^)
Of course, that's not enough to totally satisfy my new year... my new beginning... the first day of the rest of my life...
You get the picture.
So, i think my list of what i want/need to accomplish over the next year is complete. I honestly don't know if all of it is attainable, but it will at least serve as a guide... if things don't work i can make adjustments or adapt.
From this viewpoint, i think it's all do-able... but some items on the list are going to require some creative methods to achieve them. That's an essential part of my life plan for the next year though, learn how to make things happen and be confident!
Confidence is the biggest piece to this puzzle... the key to unlock the mysteries i've struggled with all my life.
Anyway, before i get all philosophical, or poetic, or theological, or whatever... here is my list of goals for 2007 (listed in no particular order):
- Keep an open mind about everything.
- To have no regrets for reasons of shyness, overanalyzing or (God forbid) money.
- Eliminate my consumer debt. (Yes, eliminate!)
- Purchase a new car (VW Jetta, here we come) w/cash.
- Furnish my house.
- Rewire my house.
- Maintain my current weight range through diet and exercise, only allowing weight gain for reasons of muscle mass .
- Read no less than eighteen books (recreational reading, not school-related) over the next twelve months.
- Be running three miles a day by year end.
- Be the best friend possible to my friends and stop being so selfish.
- Shoot a roll of film (or equivalent) each month. (So, at least a picture a day...)
- Learn to play an instrument (or two... i've always wanted to learn both piano & saxophone).
- Learn American Sign Language.
- Take ballroom dancing lessons.
- Get involved with the community through volunteering.
Ok, i realize some of these goals are extremely... erm, ambitious, but if i don't write them down someplace where i see them every day (yes, that's why my new whiteboard is for), i won't hold myself accountable to working towards them. This way, at least, i have a shot! Who knows what i can accomplish! =^)
As an early step in my confidence building, i've been going out of my way to talk to strangers. It makes sense, because i need to learn social skills, and if i can walk up to a beautiful woman, not bore her, and even make her laugh... then i'm moving in the right direction!
Even if it isn't about scoring!
It'll come... like anything else, practice will build confidence and confidence will inspire relationships. It makes perfect sense!
I didn't seem to have any problems Sunday night... and the young ladies i spent most of the evening with were great!
Yes, this is going to be a great year! =^)

Rachael Yamagata