Monday, January 1, 2007, 11:50 pm

Happy '07!

Where do i begin? I mean, it seems like a year has passed since my last post.

Oh yeah, it has. =^)

Seriously though, it seems like a lot has happened. I talked to D for the first time in quite a while... which was pleasant. I guess i'm not sure what to think, because the game has changed... even if the players remain the same.

I'll elaborate on that at a later date.

I also spent some time with N again. She still has the most amazing eyes... and now i know that they're real.

However, now i'm in the new year. The time for planning has passed... this year, i'm a man of action! I feel like i got a good start at the New Year's Eve party. Part of my plan is to go out of my way to meet new people... which i think will be key to building my confidence. There will be more on that later.

I feel like i'm putting a lot of what i want to write off until later... but that's because i am.

I have so much to do yet tonight... including running to the grocery store for some milk, but i wanted to put something down so hopefully it will trigger memories for later posts.

So much to do, so much! So much to look forward to! It's going to be a great year! =^D

What i'm listening to:
Loose Say It Right
Nelly Furtado