Thursday, December 28, 2006, 10:53 pm
Dining at the Pink Taco

I was sitting at the bar next to this beautiful brunette with the most amazing amber-colored eyes. They could have been contacts, i don't know... it was dark in the room.
Anyway, the bartender asks me what i'm drinking. The lovely lady next to me tells Ms. Bartender that i'll have a shot of Patron.
Since i'm a bit bar-challenged, i had to ask. So, i agreed to do the tequila shot... and to buy one for the lady as well.
"N" showed me how to properly do a tequila shot, since i had never done so before, and afterwards we chatted for a bit.
Somehow, food came up in the conversation. She mentions this place she refers to as the "pink taco." I knew exactly the place she was talking about, even though that isn't its name.
There is this small house on a corner that was converted into a small taco restaurant. The pink refers to the garish hot pink color that the building was painted in its last incarnation. It is no longer pink, but i'm afraid people in town will always remember when it was.
Anyway, she mentioned that they serve the best enchiladas i will ever eat. Oddly, i had never eaten there... even though the eating place is only three blocks from my house.
So, armed with her ringing endorsement, i approached the cow-orkers today with the idea. Surprisingly, it was an easy sell!
N was right, the enchiladas were fabulous! I'm afraid i'll be hooked on the food and eat there as often as i can... doing my part to ensure they stay open! Besides, i have got to try their carne asada burrito... it looked amazing as well!
Last night, as it was time for N and myself to part ways, i told her if i ever run into her at the "pink taco," i'll buy her lunch.
So, maybe someday i will! If she has anyplace else to suggest, it might be worth a try as well. I certainly owe her for that suggestion!

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Kissing to Be Clever