Tuesday, December 26, 2006, 2:47 pm
Family time...

So, i survived Christmas.
Actually, it was quite uneventful... and i really didn't expect otherwise. I guess i just need to figure out why being around this branch of my family is so awkward to me.
Don't get me wrong, they're all good people... i guess when i'm around them i just don't feel like i fit in. It's more like i'm on the outside looking in through the window. I don't really feel like i'm welcome, or invited.
And maybe i'm not... but i cannot assume no fault in the situation. I guess i haven't really taken the time to get to know them. It's not that i haven't had my opportunities. Perhaps i'll work on that over the course of the next year. It's more difficult now that my sisters are more spread out than before... the youngest is currently waiting to hear if she'll be transferred to Oregon or the Carolinas.
But, it's not too late... so yesterday, i made sure i got their contact information. I'm not sure what to say or how to keep in touch... but if i cannot find a way to get to know my own family, how can i expect to find a way to get to know my future wife?
My little sister and i seem to share quite a bit... such as our affinity for sleeping... enough to draw comments from our significant others. Oddly, that isn't something we share with our father. I wonder where that comes from?...
Grandmother commented on how much we look alike... which i couldn't help noticing yesterday as well.
Otherwise, the weekend wasn't much different from any other... except for the fact i didn't go out at all. I guess you could say i just didn't feel like it.
Ok, that's not true. I did have lunch with a friend on Saturday afternoon and managed to snag an invite to a New Year's Eve party. New year coming up... along with new goals and new possibilities.
You cannot possibly imagine how excited i am about the new year! Frankly, even though i rediscovered myself in '06... this year sucked!
The new year, on the other hand, will be fabulous. I'm finally taking control as well as responsibility for my life... and with the proper guidance from above... it will be sensational! =^)

Gwen Stefani
The Sweet Escape