Friday, December 22, 2006, 10:42 am
Just walking away...

What happened last night was a fluke... i'm not going to let it bother me too much. In a way, i'm sad i let it get to me at all.
However, i think it is interesting that T is the one i miss... not C. I think i realized that a while ago... but never really acknowledged it.
Like i said, not going to let it bother me.
Besides, i cannot turn a blind eye to how much my life has improved over the last year! Sometimes, a devastated broken heart can do you miracles.
And now, i'm really, really looking forward to '07. I've had my "rebuilding" year, now it's time to put what i've built to good use!
So much has changed... or maybe improved is a better word. I'll admit some things haven't changed at all. I'm still a list-maker. I have a list of what i'm looking for in Ms. Right... as well as Ms. Right Now. I have a list of accomplishment since the "before time," and i have a list of goals for 2007. The latter is something i've never really done before... writing down my goals.
So, i guess now i can hold myself accountable for what i do and don't do before my next birthday.
And to be honest, some of the things on the list i really have no idea how to accomplish... but i'm pretty confident i'll figure it out.
Maybe someday soon i'll post the list here. It'd be interesting to see if anyone comments on the items on it... or what the comments might be.
Of course, everyone who reads this (all 14 of you) is too shy to leave a comment. Or maybe you're just not moved to do so. I suppose that's fair.

The Submarines
Declare a New State!