Wednesday, December 20, 2006, 1:02 pm
Rainy days and Mondays...

There's just something about a mild, rainy day in December. After all, winter starts in less than two days... shouldn't it be snowing?
Then again, in the summertime, i love the rain. Probably because it brings a chill to the air that is needed.
The dampness in the air combined with the cool evenings is actually making it damned cold. And i seem to have a high tolerance for cold.
Of course, i am sick, so i think i'm colder during moment of fever than the others.
It sucks, i feel like i'm wasting my valuable vacation time in bed, but after work i'm pretty shredded. It probably doesn't help that i tend not to eat when i'm sick... and 7-up doesn't have any caffeine.
Tonight, i'm supposed to meet with O and discuss/arrange a possible photo shoot. I have some great ideas, but i haven't taken the time to sketch them out. Of course, i did make tremendous headway on my house over the weekend before the mouth-breather returned... so that's not a terribly big obstacle. Yay!
Today, i decided (although it's probably a wee too late) to send out a couple of Christmas cards. One, i don't expect, will even get opened... but i don't even really care about that. She's just on my list.
There were several hot women at the store when i was there restocking on tissues and picking up a box of cards, but i'm not up to hitting on anyone right now. Maybe when my nose no longer glows in the dark and i don't sound like i forgot my nose at home.
Anyway, i have things to do, places to see, and people to... well, you get the picture. =^)
