Tuesday, December 19, 2006, 10:10 am
Wish granted

Well, i got my wish.
Which has its ups and its downs. Being sick, i'd much rather be at home curled up in bed and maybe getting caught up on my reading... or those many, many DVDs i've purchased since the 'before time' that i've not yet found time to watch.
A nice piping hot bowl of chicken noodle soup sounds good too. =^)
But no, i'm at work today. I figure if i'm going to feel miserable, i may as well get paid, right?
As long as i don't run out of tissues, i should be returning to normal in a day or two. I suppose the tissues don't really have anything to do with whether i'll return to normal or not. I just hope this remains a head cold... 'cos if it goes into my chest i will truly be miserable.
I abhor that drowning feeling. Yuck!
Anyway, i'll try not to bitch about being sick too much! =^)

Skid Row
Skid Row