Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 10:17 am
Overreacting again...

Not surprisingly, i've been a jackass.
My inner "drama queen" really got me good last week. I *didn't* blow it with D... in fact, quite the contrary. Yesterday, she asked for my phone number.
Of course, asking for a phone number and actually using it are two very different things... but that's ok. I guess we'll just have to see what happens.
Besides, i'm still going to stand by my decision not to date. It is time to build new friendships and see where they go. It is not time to rush into anything.
As far as my obsessing over being narcissistic... well, that's just entirely counter-productive. I acknowledge that i may be a little too self-involved at times, but i don't think i am any worse than anyone else i know.
Certainly i'm not excessively so... and as long as i'm aware of it, i should be ok.
In fact, since i've noticed my narcissism and have been keeping aware that i am a bit self-involved i've observed that my interactions with others have been more interesting, pleasant... and productive.
See, i am growing as a person! =^)
I haven't mentioned my weekend yet... there isn't too much to tell, i suppose. I did meet a couple of lovely young ladies at the bar Friday night. Then i went to another bar and met a couple more lovely young ladies. All in all, it was a good night.
Saturday, i opted to stay in.
Sunday, i ventured out for one of the best Bloody Mary's in town only to find Michelle wasn't working. =^( I did get to sample the bartender's German Chocolate cake, which was awesome, and chatted it up with a gal i knew there who's recently single again.
Very exciting, i know... to be honest, the entire weekend i kept feeling like there was something i should be doing that i wasn't. Since the rec center was closed, what could i do?

Bettie Serveert