Friday, November 24, 2006, 10:12 am
Such a fucking drama queen...

Ok, so i need to work on my narcissism... big time.
It's probably my worst character flaw. I am terribly self-involved, and because of that i may never have another girlfriend...
I guess what disturbs me most about it is that i just don't seem to be able to loosen up and have fun and, more importantly, BE fun.
I know D finds me charming and funny and likable. So, did i really blow it?
I don't suppose it even matters. I've made the decision not to date anyone for a while.
That's not to say i'm not going to go out and pick women up and have fun and be naughty. I'm just not going to seek anything beyond friendship for now.
A whirlwind romance would be fun, but i need to stop staring at my own reflection first.
While i believe change is possible, i think character flaws are next to impossible to correct... so things will indeed get interesting.
I wish i didn't have this flair for the dramatic. Did i always have it? Yeah, i'm afraid so... i see it in my father's side of the family. For whatever reason, everything that happens is such a big deal.
This is what causes my hang-ups.
The next question i have to ask myself... can i blog without being so narcissistic? After all, aren't all blogs a creation of self-love and tendencies of that "drama queen?"
I suppose we'll find out.
Hope everyone had a fabulous turkey day. I did what any good American would do and ventured up to the Indian reservation last night and took money from the natives last night.
That's not as bad as it sounds. I had a rare good night at the casino. And i ran into T2, which made for a very, very late night. Details on that to follow.
However, i will say now that i seemed to be her good luck charm. She left the penny slots with $50.
And, believe it or not... we had fun. Maybe as long as i am conscious of the queen living inside me, maybe i can keep her under control.

Elton John
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