Friday, December 6, 2019, 3:48 pm

It never rains, but it pours.

Ever have one of those days where everything you touch turns to shit? Or you should have stayed in bed?

Back when I was on the Facebook, and I’d look at their “On this day” memory feature, there were some calendar days that were clearly days to stay in bed. Laundry accidents. Dead car battery. Losing a finger in a car door.

Ah, memories. I remember when I was really into reminiscing.

This morning, I wake up to a cold house. The thermostat shows the furnace running, but there is no heat, no noise, no indication it is working at all. I’m curious, so I turn on the A/C and see if it works... it does. Great, hopefully the furnace problem is not major then.

Check the hot water pilot... it’s lit, so there’s gas in the house.

There’s an HVAC repairman I use that I like, yet I’m not smart enough to add his number to my phone. So, I spend the first couple of hours looking everywhere I can think of for his card. Of course, after the summer’s experiment, nothing is where I remember it. However, I do remember a shoe box in the attic with a stack of business cards inside. I set up a chair and go around it to sit down and flip through the cards... and my left leg misses the truss entirely and drops right through the ceiling. Hard.


Yes, I literally said that aloud.

While I am surveying the damage in my living room, I’m noting I could have saved my ninety dollar trip to the chiropractor yesterday if I had known I was going to fall through the ceiling... because I am damaged worse now than I was when I went to see him. Guess Monday’s appointment just got more interesting.

And no, I didn’t find that card. I’m spending hours looking through my phone for any pictures of it. And the laptop. And the computer. And the last iPhone. Not finding it.

So I turn to the Google. How did Ann find this guy? He’s a Google ghost! Nothing.

I scroll through her text messages. No sign of her picture of his card. Why? I calm down and realize there’s no mention of the referral either.

Ah... Facebook messenger! So, I check there.

I find a note where I thank her for the referral... yet still no number. But I have a date to work with now.

Back to the phone. The laptop. The computer. The old iPhone. Nothing. The. Fuck.

Many F-bombs have been dropped today. At least I’m still pissed and able to function (i.e. walk).

I re-read the messenger message. Light bulb!

She commented on a FB status! Perhaps the Facebook has some value after all?

Fine. Activate the Facebook. Find the date of my A/C woes from two years ago... and JACKPOT!

One phone call, lunch, and Facebook deactivation later, he’s here working on my furnace (no idea on the bill yet). I’m calmed down enough that I hurt. A lot.

My left leg is one giant bruise. My right is screaming at every joint... mostly the ankle.

There’s a piece of insulation over the giant hole in the ceiling, and most of the debris is swept/vacuumed up. All that could have been avoided had I NOT been on a Facebook break. Weird.

And I’m in enough pain I wish I had died in the fall. Ugh.

What’s next? Bring it!

At least I got to see HER today. Why can’t I get her out of my mind? Out of my dreams?

Oh, wait... I haven’t mentioned HER yet.

What i'm listening to:
Queen of the Clouds Not on Drugs
Tove Lo
Queen of the Clouds