Thursday, July 4, 2019, 8:13 am

The 'boat anchor'...

Is that what you want, or is that what people expect of you?

A lifetime ago, I wrote in this space about the bold statement. What a statement it was.

While it hasn’t been a horrible thirteen years, it hasn’t been everything I had hoped it would be. Countless hours of HGTV watching haven’t ever been realized on this home... which is okay, because I don’t have the budget of a bird watcher and a kindergarten teacher to work with.

In fact, now I prefer to think of the bold statement as a boat anchor. It’s tied around my neck. It’s weighing me down and preventing me from drifting into the chaos I crave. It’s like I’ve been living someone else’s dream.

Now is the time to reclaim my abandoned desires/dreams. I’ve always had wanderlust burning deep within. It’s time to break these chains, find what fits in my backpack and cast aside everything that doesn’t.

It’s time to sell... well... everything. Do I have anything you want?

There’s an entire world out there, waiting for me to explore it. There are so many women to meet. There are so many sights to see. There is so much to experience.

Yet, I’m not getting any younger. It’s time to set this pirate ship free and set off across the seven seas. How thrilling!

I finally know what I want! Not what other people expect... it is time.