Saturday, September 30, 2006, 9:21 pm

Battling depression...

I'm not going to write much this evening. I'm merely going to acknowledge that i'm a wee bit down and move on.

I'm not sure why i'm down. Maybe the epiphany from Thursday night is still weighing on me. Maybe.

I am so ready to get back out there. To date. To be a part of someone's life. To get to know someone and let her get to know me... but there is something inside of me that isn't letting me close the deal.

Is it fear? Fear of what? The unknown? Rejection? Worried she'll say yes? Perhaps i'm just going after the wrong girls?

Whatever it is... depression seems to have grabbed a hold of me again. I've not been this down for this long since mid-August.

So, for now i'll keep munching Brazil nuts and hope the selenium helps lift my mood. I need to get over this listlessness and apathy and work on some of the great things in my life again!

Tomorrow i'm meeting with my new trainer to take my workout to the next level... that should help some. Then i'm meeting with the group of people i met last week in Nebraska to talk about strategies, ideas and plans. There is so much good out there... i just need to realize that i deserve some of it. I need to let go of my original ways of my thinking.

My wiring that lends itself to my failures.

Well, it is time to go do some reading. Have a fantastic weekend!

What i'm listening to:
Unwritten The One That Got Away
Natasha Bedingfield