Friday, December 29, 2006, 10:29 am

Hippo birdies to me...

So, another birthday is upon me. I suppose i'm surprised i made it this far!

Thank you, T, for the "Happy 23rd" note... it was sweet! =^)

Normally, i dread my birthday. Getting older, still feeling unsatisfied and unfulfilled... usually spending it alone.

This year feels different somehow. I suppose the reason i've felt like my life isn't going anywhere in the past is because i never mapped out what i wanted to do with it.

I guess i just expected everything to take care of itself. What a difference taking control has already made! And now that i've got goals actually written down on a page... and a plan... and confidence and esteem! Yes, this next year is going to be very exciting!

I haven't decided if i'm going to post my list of goals here or not... i figure i have until the first of the year to decide.

Besides, it's not like anyone reads this... or comments if they do! =^)

Anyway, it's time to slip out of work early and get my party on!

What i'm listening to:
whitechocolatespaceegg What Makes You Happy
Liz Phair