Tuesday, December 27, 2016, 10:33 am

Much distracted, such wow

Coffee shops. I used to love them. What changed?

I used to have remarkable clarity while curled up in a chair in a corner, with occasional breaks of people watching and tea drinking.

Today, I’ve been sitting in a coffee shop for the last hour. The MacBook battery isn’t what it used to be, so it’s nearly half depleted. And why?

I don’t know.

I don’t even recall what I intended to write while here. I know it was something about taking action. 2017 is shaping up to be fantastic, so I’ve been getting started early.

I love the winter. For me it’s always about new beginnings, new relationships, and sometimes renewal of long lost friends and relatives.

This year, the Grinch even stayed away!

I am super excited about what the new year will bring. I’ve rediscovered some direction, and I’m thrilled to stop working at a “job job,” for the sake of a paycheck and get back onto a career track. So ready to create again, and do what I love!

Finding what I was born to do, if you will.

Even if I must leave the coffee shops behind... at least the tea was delicious. I can get it to go.

What i'm listening to:
Back in the High Life Back in the High Life Again
Steve Winwood
Back in the High Life