Monday, October 21, 2019, 12:33 pm

Drink more water

Slowly, I am finding my way back. Damn this curse of intelligence. What is it I read somewhere?

One may bask at the warm fire of faith or choose to live in the bleak uncertainty of reason — but one cannot have both.

I recall the first time I read that... it resonated with me. It was like seeing the matrix again. Total clarity.

It also provided justification for being doomed to unhappiness. Just one problem...

I want to be happy.

So, how do I shed a few IQ points?

Of course, maybe I am overthinking everything again. Overthinking. Everything. Again.

Last month, I completed a life coaching session designed to make me live in my lower body. To think less. To act more. To be impulsive.

Yet, the absence of daily lessons has led me to think about everything. Again.

I can accept that I am wrong about everything. Even that I’ve always been wrong about everything. Acceptance only has value if I move past it. Again.

It is time to turn it off. To detoxify. To embrace the chaos. To drink more water.

What i'm listening to:
Heartbreaker Heartbreaker
Dionne Warwick