Friday, October 20, 2006, 1:59 pm

Thoughts on a Friday...

Well, the fatigue is setting in again. Perhaps i am again working out too much, or not sleeping well, or not eating right.

I would like to know who left the Thin Mints on the counter and where they found them this time of year? They are my "only" weakness.

Actually, i cannot blame them for my sleepiness, because i was tired when i woke up this morning. For some odd reason, this morning i turned on the television, and watched a morning news program for a little bit. Next thing i know, i'm running late again.

Grr... i barely had enough time to feed the dogs, dump the Marie Antoinette soundtrack and last night's episode of The Office onto the iPod and get out the door.

Note to self, no more television in the a.m. No matter how early you rise!

I have to admit i really, really like the Marie Antoinette soundtrack! It's not the kind of music you would expect from a period piece... offering an eclectic mix of new wave, punk and classical music. It does however, fall just short of being the local reviewer's "musical wet dream" i was expecting. However, it was that remark that made me so adamant about getting it... and the album doesn't disappoint!

It is too bad i've read such horrid reviews of the movie, because i was looking forward to it. I'll probably still see it soon though, avid history buff that i am... so i can see what liberties with history Ms. Coppola took! =^)

I would like to see The Prestige, however... that might be worth the ticket price! Maybe i can fit it in this weekend... or next.

Who knows, maybe i'll be able to persuade someone to screen it with me...

Last night's workout was kind of bleah. I'm not sure how to explain it. I went through the entire workout without going to failure... but going almost to failure like i'm supposed to. But my heart wasn't in it last night. Maybe i didn't have the right music... or was too distracted... or i was thinking too much again.

There was an extremely hot young lady working out last night... perhaps that is why i don't remember much. But today i'm not too sore, which can be both good and bad. Usually i don't feel the good workouts 'til the second day... unless it's a shoulder workout.

Hopefully building up my shoulders will make them recover better. At least they aren't bony anymore.

I guess i feel like it wasn't much of a workout considering i'll have to wait 'til Sunday for the next one (stupid university holidays).

Anyway, the weekend is almost here... again i have plenty to do, as well as many doubts about how much will actually get done. At least it isn't work. That in itself is something to look forward to! =^)

What i'm listening to:
The Cure
Marie Antoinette OST