Thursday, January 18, 2007, 11:30 pm

Gas station etiquette...

Sometimes people really amaze me.

Today, i had to get gas. My tank was almost bone dry, and i just couldn't put it off any longer.

Well, my running out of gas just happened to coincide with a twenty cent price drop. I used to complain about gas prices, but i really don't worry about money anymore... there are more important things to worry about.

But it was nice to see nonetheless.

However, i don't know about this society we live in these days. You drop the price well below two bucks a gallon, and it's like people have never seen a gas station before!

Hell, the lines were down the street and around the corner.

I wasn't in a hurry, since i decided to pass up my heliotherapy before rehearsal today... so i'm sitting in my car, jamming to Madonna and munching on my egg salad sub.

Then i observed something... it made sense, but later i found it was only coincidence.

All of the cars lined up have the fill on the passenger side. Naturally, i assumed they were lined up for the same pump since they were parked single file pointing toward the appropriate pump.

And then a car with the fill on the driver's side has no cars behind it... so i pull in behind it. I heard a horn honk, but i didn't think anything of it since the traffic on the street was blocked from the lines.

As soon as that car leaves, i pull up. I'm barely out of my car when a VW Beetle backs up, whips around and pulls up behind me. I guess this lady is in a bigger hurry than i am... i just considered myself lucky.

When she gets out of the car, i tell her that the hose will reach, that i'm not in a hurry, and she can go first... but in a huff, she just tells me that i "cut in the line" and i might as well go ahead.

She was very snooty about it too. =^\

So, it was hard to feel too bad... because in the time it took to put the 14 gallons in my Celica (see, i told you i was about out), every other car... including ones that were behind her, managed to pull up to a pump.

I guess i just can't believe that people get so ramped up about gas prices that a sudden drop makes them panic. Personally, with the downward trend, i was wishing i had enough gas to go two more days... watch and see if the trend continued.

Oh well, i got my gasoline, and i suppose she got hers. It's all good.

I just can't believe that $1.76 gas makes all people forget their manners... it's more than a bit disappointing, really!

What i'm listening to:
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Elton John
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

Thursday, January 18, 2007, 12:53 pm

Hard to say

Sometimes i cannot believe i can actually go so long with nothing to write about. It's not that nothing is going on... i suppose there is some truth to the adage that i'm "too happy to blog."

Which would seem to indicate that "emo blog" is redundant... kind of like a donkey's ass.

But i digress.

I suppose i could write about my mysterious voice mail message from a couple of days ago, but really, what can i say that i haven't already?

I'd be lying if i said i don't want to talk to her. However, it has been a long time. I'm not the same person i was a month ago, let alone three, six or even nine months. I've made a lot of good changes in my life, and in my attitude, and it shows! I'm in the best shape and health of my life!

She indicated she wanted to talk. For that, i'm game. Anything else, we'll have to wait and see. It isn't worth my time to speculate on what she wants to talk about. She said she'd call back, so i'll just have to let her.

I've been keeping rather busy, but i've already made some progress on my "list." Every night since i've returned from vacation, i've had rehearsal at the local community theatre, which has not only cut into my blogging time, but my workout and social schedules.

I'm having a blast though... and i've met some incredible people and i've found a place i just naturally seem to blend in. I'm not sure why i waited so long!

On that note, i'm going to close this. There's more to say, but it can wait for another day. =^)

What i'm listening to:
Tonight and the Rest of My Life Hold on to Me
Nina Gordon
Tonight and the Rest of...