Tuesday, October 17, 2006, 11:45 am

Where the road leads...

So, it is becoming increasingly more apparent that a change in direction is inevitable.

And, as much as i tend to resist change, it is approaching sooner than i'd like.

I suppose this is a good time though. I've been looking for something to add drama to my life as an appetite suppressant, and it would appear i've achieved my goal. W00t?

Otherwise, i've been making some good progress on my history paper. This one won't be too bad to write, i don't think, and it gave me the chance to hang out at my favorite coffee shop last night for a few hours.

Amidst the glow of several white apples, i would have hoped i could keep warm, but that just didn't happen... but it was nice to be in the company of so many who know a decent computer! =^)

I am thankful for this new frustration... i think it will give me the push i've been needing over the past few weeks. Also, tonight's workout should have plenty of adrenaline for extra fuel... which will help as well!

Hopefully i'll be able to find time to get a workout in. Maybe i should call in sick tomorrow to insure i get my paper done on time. ;^)

Finally, i think my iPod is starting to lose it's battery... it seems to be fading awfully fast these days. =^(

What i'm listening to:
Voices Carry
'Til Tuesday
Voices Carry