Wednesday, May 17, 2006, 3:07 pm

From the 'living vicariously' department

I almost had to laugh today.

Someone did something i had always wanted to do. I don't know if it was an accident, or if it was frustration... but someone had taken out the stoplight control box at a major intersection i happened through on my way to work today.

It was SOOO cool!

Ok, if it was intentional, then it was also illegal, but the way the lights are timed in the town and the way they do NOT work together... let's just say it gave me a happy feeling.

Albeit a small one... but the glimmer of mischief in my eyes returned for a shining moment.

Maybe all is not lost.

I'm sure it is fixed by now, but i couldn't help but notice the traffic was flowing much smoother with the traffic cop in the middle than it ever did with the stupid light!