Monday, November 13, 2006, 12:46 pm

For the wish list...

For the wish list...

Ok, so now i must be dreaming. I've settled on what my next car is going to be. However, i've never had a car loan and i don't intend to start now, so it's time to start saving money and/or get the money-making machine rolling.

Good thing i drive a Toyota now... she's probably got another 400,000 miles left or so before she'll have to be replaced! =^)

That'll leave me plenty of time to work out the financials and do some research to figure out if this is really what i want.

So, the rebuilding process of my life is well underway. It's kinda scary when i look back and see how careless i was about some things. Ok, maybe not scary... 'cos i've learned to take some risks and that risk is my friend.

I've learned a lot about how i interact with women i encounter on the streets. I've learned a lot about what to do (and not to do) with money i have... and don't have.

Maybe i've even figured some things about love. At least i can be reassured that i now know what love isn't. =^)

I've discovered sooo much good music out there, and i'm slowly getting the ability to listen to my old playlists back. It's all coming back to me now... only stronger, better.

I've *almost* got my focus back, which is helping with my schoolwork.

And after 2 1/2 months of bouncing between 163 and 167 pounds, i *finally* achieved the holy grail of my weight goals over the weekend! 162 pounds!

So, have i finally found the right combination of eating healthy and working out? We'll see... i'd like to be down to 160 by Thanksgiving and 155 by Christmas. One hundred fifty-five has been the target since high school... but i'd long since written it off as unattainable.

Now it's within reach. Hell, all of my dreams are!

And i not only feel good... i've never looked better! I don't know that i've ever *known* i look good. Now, i'm bordering on narcissism. Trust me, that is not a bad thing!

I suppose now is a good time to get back to my Monday. W00t!

What i'm listening to:
Private Suit Private Suit
Bettie Serveert
Private Suit