Wednesday, December 13, 2006, 10:33 pm

You take the good, you take the bad...

GOOD: I finished one of my finals. I knew the material, i stayed cool, i didn't hurry through it... i think i did alright!

BAD: Still have one more to go.

BAD: Today, i don't feel so good. I've been fighting an upset stomach all day, and since finishing the exam i've also had a bit of a headache... but the Aleve took care of that (for now)! I also appear to be retaining water... i'm all bloated and sloshy... and i weigh three pounds more than yesterday, which has to be water weight.

Considering the upset stomach, supper at Long John Silver's wasn't the best idea.

GOOD: Not feeling like exercising opened the door to talk to one of the young ladies in my history class at the wellness center. We talked for about an hour about the exam, classes, movies, and vacation. Not too bad, anyway... maybe there's something there?

GOOD: I met with O today and showed her my photographic portfolio. She seemed to like what she saw, and i think she's going to model for me... which is very exciting!

I love taking pictures... especially taking good ones! However, i seem to have lost interest some time ago. All of my pictures in the portfolio (and on Flickr) were taken years ago. All of the more recent ones are from the "before time" and have the ex in them.

So, you could say i need to update it... and perhaps soon i'll have a good reason too! O needs to update her portfolio too! And she has a wardrobe and a makeup artist she can bring.

And i have an adorable house, and a lot of ideas. This could be the beginning of something great in that direction! Perhaps this will justify my getting the digital camera i want so bad!

BAD: She forgot to bring her portfolio... so we're meeting again next week so she can show that to me.

And i still feel pretty lousy, but all in all it has been a good day.

Moving on... it has become apparent to me that i'm going to have to go and see T. I just don't want any hard feelings or mixed messages... and i don't want her to think i'm going to bail on her just like that. She really does need a friend, and i really don't mind being that friend for her.

Call it my "saviour complex," or something else. I figure, if i go see her outside of the bad day she was having last weekend... maybe we can let bygones be bygones and put it behind us. It was a stupid argument anyway.

O and i shared horror stories today... she's a very pretty and young divorcée, who's husband cheated on her. I still have a hard time imagining that, but then again it happens!

But she is so gorgeous... the guy must be a real jerk!

Anyway, talking to her gave me some new perspective on relating to people in my life: past, present and future.

And, amazingly, it was WONDERFUL to carry on a conversation with someone and i didn't make it all about me! Perhaps there is hope for me after all!

Now, if only i could release the overflow valve and get this water out of me. Ugh!

What i'm listening to:
Skid Row Youth Gone Wild
Skid Row
Skid Row