Friday, June 10, 2016, 9:27 am

Today's nightmare...

So, I’m sitting in the coffee shop, attempting to do some work... and discovering that I’m still an old soul.

Across the dining area there’s an attractive young mother chatting with a friend. How do I know she’s a mother? Because her older boy is out of control, jumping from chair to chair—but at least he’s reasonably quiet.

Then there’s the toddler, who’s constantly squirming and crying and squirming and crying in her arms.

Oh, good... now she’s feeding him. Silence, at last!

Which brings me to reason #34,726 why I should never have children: children should not be seen nor heard.

I’ve actually gotten used to offending, even horrifying, people when they’d ask the question, “When are you going to have kids?”

My answer? “As soon as I’m successful enough and set enough to have a house big enough where the baby and the nanny can have their own wing and I never have to see them.”

Is that so wrong? Personally, I’ll always believe that the world could do with more people who adopted this attitude.

Instead of the government rewarding those who continuously pop out children, reward those who choose not to drain this planet’s resources with their hell-spawn.

*sigh* I can only dream...

And now the kid is screaming again... time to move to the next venue.