Wednesday, January 21, 2009, 2:04 pm

Video killed the...

Today, I am sad. It is setting in how vehemently opposed to reading people are becoming. Perhaps Steve Jobs wasn't way off base when he stated that people don't read anymore, which was his reasoning for not adding a Kindle-like option to the iPhone/iPod Touch.

Thanks to the App Store, I found one I could purchase, so I can read from my iPhone when necessary. I love it... and can't imagine not having it.

I still love books. My idea of a relaxing evening involves curling up with a book on my lap and the television off.

More importantly, I prefer to read when it comes to learning things. Reading instructions is a priceless tutorial, and having the printed book also provides a valuable reference in which it is easy to look up something I've forgotten... or require a little more information about.

I don't have to scrub through a video, and divert all of my attention to the screen. Unfortunately, video tutorials are becoming the vehicle of choice among internet viewers. Not only do I not have the bound reference, I get to focus all of my attention on a poorly digitized video and look at someone with a face for radio walking me through the steps, but I have to stop the video, back it up, try to figure out how he did it again.

After watching the video once, you would think I could reproduce the results a second time without the sound... nope, I need to listen to the thing I'm not seeing on the screen.

Clearly, I prefer books, but I think an audio file is an ok way to learn as well. Audiobooks have filled many a road trip with educational value. My ideal world, is being able to half-focus on audio, and have the printed manual for reference.

Some items are more valuable with the sound bytes. Sure, the Harry Potter books were entertaining with Jim Dale's narration... but the added-value really kicked in while learning How to Argue and Win Every Time from Gerry Spence.

Still, this rise in the popularity of video tutorials makes me sad. It just isn't a good way to learn and retain... and it deeply saddens me to hear colleagues reject book references in favor of watching someone else do something on video.

Seriously, is this what the future holds? The end of the printed manual?

What i'm listening to:
Rumours You Make Loving Fun
Fleetwood Mac

Thursday, January 15, 2009, 3:51 pm

To happiness in the new year!

Ok, so another year has come and gone. This year, I’m not going to reflect on my previous goals, nor am I going to produce a new set of goals that really don’t mean much in the long run. Seriously, who cares how many books I’ve read? I’m reading again when I have spare time. I spend plenty of time in the gym. I’m watching what I eat and drink. I’m not watching television. Well, not too much television, anyway.

No, this year I’m shifting my focus. I have one goal. I want to be happy. Ok, so I’m not unhappy... but I could be so much happier.

What will that take? A new job? Finishing school? A new girlfriend? Two, perhaps?

If I’ve learned anything since the “dark time,” it’s that happiness really doesn’t depend on anything external. It starts inside. It starts with having a passion and pursuing it. Happiness is present when I live in the moment, have fun, enjoy myself and the excitement that is always there. Happiness is there when boredom is not.

I suppose it is true money doesn’t buy happiness, but to that statement, I would have to counter with the fact that money does create options, which in turn create happiness. This is why I believe having enough to be able to spend a worry-free week on the beach of a Greek island would contribute to my well being. Comfortable living is part of the goal... as opposed to living paycheck-to-paycheck and worrying about things like job security and satisfaction.

Does the job matter? I suppose. However, something better is out there... and I’m closer to it than I realize. This much I am sure of.

Everything is so much better now. I may not know exactly what I want (other than the beach lifestyle), but the battle is half won... for I’m figuring out what I do not want.

Which makes each year, each month, each day something to look forward to.

What i'm listening to:
The Sweet Escape Don't Get It Twisted
Gwen Stefani
The Sweet Escape